Before I begin, I first have to explain what a protein is. A protein is a strand of smaller parts called amino acids. Amino acids are composed of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen, but some contain phosphorous and sulfur.
Now that you know what proteins are made of, I want to discuss why they are so important.
Proteins are one of the most crucial parts of life. They preform various tasks. In almost every function of biology a protein is responsible. They make up parts of the cell wall, used as antibodies to fight off infections, not to mention they perform nearly all of the chemical reactions that support life. The U.S. National Library of Medicine sums it up best stating that, "they (proteins) do most of the work in cells...". This is no exaggeration, to put it in simple terms, LIFE SIMPLY WOULD NOT EXIST WITHOUT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that you have a general understanding that if proteins did not exist life would not either, I can start explaining their complexity.
Remember earlier when I mentioned that proteins were made up of amino acids? There are about 20 different amino acids. In order to create a protein each amino acid has to be lined up in the the correct order.
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This is an image of the simplest protein Ribonuclease. Each one of the three letters is an abbreviation for a different amino acid. If even one amino acid is out of place or missing, this protein would not be Ribonuclease, therefore it would not be able to do its job. Now let's see what the odds are of this being formed by random chance.
This protein is made up of 124 amino acids. There are 17 different types of amino acids in this protein. So since we have the 17 amino acids required for this protein, the odds of getting the first amino acid in the chain (Lys) is 1 in 17. Now in order to get the second amino acid to come after the first (Lys then Glu), we would have to multiply 1 in 17 times 1 in 17 which equals 289. If you were to complete the equation with all the 124 amino acids, the answer would be 1 in 1 with 152 zeroes! Now to put into perspective how ridicules these odds are, a poker player has a better chance getting a royal flush 19 times in a row without ever exchanging cards! (Source)
This is not the insane part yet. This is the simplest of all proteins, but there are millions of proteins in existence. Each one more complex then the next. Some even have over 10,000 amino acids in them!
To believe that all of the evidence that I have provided came about by random chance is completely ridiculous and unscientific! There is no possible way that all of the necessary proteins would arise in the exact right place at the same time and create the rest of the cell out of thin air!
In the end you need some supernatural force because time does not solve everything.